Using Data Grid

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Using Data Grid



     Data grid provides new ways to display, edit, add row, delete row, organize, summarize and export data to excel file etc.

     To use functions mentioned above, use right button on the mouse. Then pop-up menu is shown.


     Data is displayed on the "Grid". With this data, you can hide/show grid columns, group by, export xls, jumb to related menu etc.


     Finding data on the Grid

     You can find data with text matching by typing into Find column on the basis of Searching Result on the grid.


     Editing Cell - Text

     You can edit text by selecting a grid cell which is allowed to edit and then typing into it. This is the basic type of editing.



     Editing Cell - Drop-down list

     You can select the choice from a drop-down list on the grid cell.


     Editing Cell - Pop-up windows

     You can open pop-up window by clicking magnification icon on the grid cell.



     Editing Cell - Memo

     You can edit memo by selecting a grid cell and then typing into it.


     Editing Cell - Check Box

     You can tickup on check box on the grid cell.



     Adding Row

     You can add a row by clicking right button on the mouse on the grid cell.


     Deleting Row

     You can delete specific row by clicking right button on the mouse on the grid cell.





     Organizing - Sort Ascending/Descending

     You can sort (Ascending/Descending) data by clicking column title.



     Organizing - Choosing a column value

     Click Funnel icon on the column title and choose a value to display data of selected value only on the grid.


     Organizing - Group By

     Click Mouse Right Button on the grid title (this case, POL) and choose 'Group By This Column' popup menu.


     Then, POL column will be groupped as follows. You can add more columns to make a group.


     Organizing - Show Group By Box

     Click mouse right button on the column title and choose 'Show Group By Box' to show up group by box.

     You can add 'group by column' by drag and drop specific column to the 'Group By Box'.


     Organizing - Grid Column Moving/Hiding

     You can move grid column to another column position by drag and drop.

     You can hide grid column by drag and drop to outside of grid.

     Organizing - Column Chooser

     You can add hidden columns again by selecting hidden column under Column Chooser.


     Organizing - Layout Save

     You can save gird layout on your own way. If you once save it, saved layout would be shown when you open.


     Organizing - Layout Reset

     Click Mouse Right Button to reset grid organization such as group by, hiding columns, changing column positions etc.



     You can see the summarizing info on the bottom of the grid.


     Export data to excel      

